

Out in a blaze of glory

Out in a blaze of glory

One of the good things about a long, hot summer, is that as temperatures drop, we see intense autumn colour. If you want to bring a pop of colour into your garden, Steve and Louisa Portman of Clareville Nursery can suggest some stellar options.

Just as you plant for summer and spring colour, you can make the most of autumn’s warm glow by planting deciduous trees. And they don’t have to be giants either; there are trees or shrubs to suit small gardens.

Japanese maples are among our most popular trees. . A modest size, their delicate spring and summer foliage turns rich autumn colours at this time of year. If you have a sheltered spot in the garden, we’d recommend Acer palmatum Osakazuki  as an autumn bright spot 

The highly adaptable Nyssa sylvatica, or Tupelo,  has some of the finest autumn colours of brightest orange and red.  It’s a large tree and grows well here as it can cope with both hot summers and wet soils. 

Cornus (Dogwoods) grow throughout the region, but there are variagated forms that turn rich red or deep pink shades in autumn. Cornus Eddie’s White Wonder, is a compact tree, which blazes red and orange in autumn, coming back to life in spring with bracts of white blossom.



For a courtyard garden, try Liquidambar styraciflua (Lollipop Sweetgum) that can be grown in a lollipop shape, and will fit well into a container. At the other end of the scale, if you have the room quercus palustrus (pin oak) is a local favourite with its pyramid shape and fiery autumn tones. 

Some trees are perhaps upstaged by their spectacular spring blossoms but they are stars of the autumn show too. These include the crabapple, Malus ioensis (Plena)  and the prunus or flowering cherry.  

Why do the leaves turn?

Chlorophyll makes the leaves green, generating food for the plant. When chlorophyll production slows to a stop, the other pigments in the leaves will shine. These include carotenoids that produce orange, yellow, and brown, and anthocyanins that create the deep reds.

According the the US Forest Service, “a succession of warm, sunny days and cool, crisp but not freezing nights seems to bring out the most spectacular displays.”

Clareville Nursery and Garden Centre

3348 State Highway 2, Clareville 5713

(Beside Clareville Bakery)

For regular updates of what’s in stock or to order trees or plants, please see Clareville Nursery Facebook page or ask to be on the mailing list.

Phone: 06 379 8604

Mobile: 027 234 6839



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